Understanding spoken English is not just about hearing words; it’s about understanding accents, catching small details, and following conversations well. Today, we’ll focus on a fun exercise.

Imagine two students chatting casually. This conversation is a great opportunity for beginners to practice listening. By paying close attention, you’ll familiarize yourself with common phrases and expressions.

Relax and enjoy this exercise. It’s about gradual improvement, not perfection. Let’s begin – click on the play button to start!


Reading the Audio Conversation:

Imagine two school students, chatting before their morning class. As you listen to their conversation, follow along with the text provided below. Afterward, test your listening comprehension by answering the questions provided.

Narrator: Today, we’re going to work on improving our listening skills. This means paying close attention to what we hear, understanding different accents, and catching the main ideas of conversations.

Let’s get started by listening to a conversation between two students. Pay attention to the details and enjoy!

Student 1: Good morning! How are you today?

Student 2: I’m good, thank you. How about you?

Student 1: I’m doing well, too.

Student 2: Did you have breakfast?

Student 1: I had a cup of milk and some rice cakes. They were tasty.

Student 2: Sounds delicious! Are you ready for school?

Student 1: Yes, I packed my bag last night. Do you have your math book? We have a test today.

Student 2: Oh, I almost forgot! Thank you for reminding me. I’ll put it in my bag now.

Student 1: No problem. We should help each other.

Student 2: Yes, helping is good. I feel better now about the test.

Student 1: Me too. We can talk about what we learned.

Student 2: Good idea. I have some questions. Maybe you can help me.

Student 1: I’ll try my best. It’s easier when we study together.

Student 2: It really is. After school, do you want to go to the library?

Student 1: Yes, that sounds fun. We can do homework and read new books.

Student 2: I like that. New stories are always fun.

Student 1: Let’s do our best today.

Student 2: Yes, let’s do well on the test and enjoy learning.

Listening Comprehension Test Exercise:

Test your listening ability by answering questions based on the provided conversation between two students.

Question 1:  What is the main purpose of today's session?

Correct Answer: 1B

Question 2:  How does the conversation between the two students begin?

Correct Answer: 2B

Question 3:  What did one student have for breakfast?

Correct Answer: 3C

Question 4:  What are the students preparing for?

Correct Answer: 4C

Question 5:  What did one of the students almost forget?

Correct Answer: 5C

Question 6:  What attitude do the students display towards each other?

Correct Answer: 6C

Question 7:  What activity do the students plan to do after school?

Correct Answer: 7C

Question 8:  What do the students look forward to doing in the library?

Correct Answer: 8A

Question 9:  How do the students feel about studying together?

Correct Answer: 9C

Question 10:  What is the students' outlook towards their day, particularly the test?

Correct Answer: 10D

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