This exercise consists of 10 multiple-choice questions focusing on descriptive adjectives, a topic under the Parts of Speech section. Each question is followed by four options, and the correct answer is provided immediately after each question.

Read each question carefully and select the option that best answers the question. After selecting your answer, check the correct answer provided.

Question 1:  Which of the following is a demonstrative adjective?

Correct Answer: 1A

Question 2:  What is the descriptive adjective in the sentence: 'The blue sky is beautiful today'?

Correct Answer: 2A

Question 3:  Choose the adjective in the sentence: 'She wore a long, flowing dress to the party'.

Correct Answer: 3C

Question 4:  Which word in the sentence 'The small kitten played happily' is the descriptive adjective?

Correct Answer: 4A

Question 5:  Identify the adjective in the sentence: 'The old, wise owl hooted in the night.'

Correct Answer: 5B

Question 6:  In the phrase 'a beautiful sunset', what type of word is 'beautiful'?

Correct Answer: 6C

Question 7:  What is the descriptive adjective in the sentence: 'The tall tower stood majestically against the skyline'?

Correct Answer: 7A

Question 8:  Which word is the adjective in the sentence: 'The red apple fell from the tree'?

Correct Answer: 8A

Question 9:  What type of word is 'big' in the sentence: 'She has a big heart'?

Correct Answer: 9C

Question 10:  Identify the adjective in the sentence: 'The shiny car sped down the road'

Correct Answer: 10A

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