Welcome to our lesson on complex sentences! In this section, we will delve into the fascinating world of sentence structure, focusing particularly on constructing complex sentences. Let’s begin by understanding what complex sentences are and why they are important in English.

What are Complex Sentences?

Complex sentences are a type of sentence that contains an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. An independent clause, also known as a main clause, can stand alone as a complete sentence, while a dependent clause relies on the independent clause to form a complete thought.

Structure of Complex Sentences

Complex sentences are formed by joining an independent clause with one or more dependent clauses using subordinating conjunctions such as “because,” “although,” “since,” “while,” and “if.”

For example:

  •  Independent clause: She went to the store.
  •  Dependent clause: Because it was raining.

Combining these clauses, we get the complex sentence: She went to the store because it was raining.

Functions of Complex Sentences

Complex sentences allow us to express more complicated ideas by showing the relationship between different parts of a sentence. They provide variety in sentence structure and add depth to our writing and speaking. By using complex sentences, we can convey complex thoughts and convey relationships between ideas more effectively.

Practice Exercise:

Construct complex sentences using the following independent and dependent clauses:

Independent clauses:

  1. He finished his homework.
  2. They went to the park.
  3. She enjoys reading books.

Dependent clauses:

  1. Although it was late.
  2. Since she was tired.
  3. When the sun sets.

Combine each independent clause with a dependent clause to form a complex sentence. For example: Although it was late, he finished his homework.

Exercises : 


In this lesson, we’ve learned about complex sentences and how they enhance our ability to communicate in English. By understanding their structure and functions, you can improve your writing and speaking skills. Practice constructing complex sentences to become more proficient in using them effectively. Stay tuned for more exciting lessons on English grammar and sentence structure.

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