In the realm of English grammar, understanding the indicative mood is crucial. It’s one of the three main moods used in English, alongside the imperative and subjunctive moods. The indicative mood is perhaps the most common, as it is used to express facts, statements, and questions. In essence, it indicates reality or truth.

What is the Indicative Mood?

The indicative mood is used to state facts or ask questions about facts. It is the mood of certainty and reality. When using the indicative mood, you are simply stating what is believed to be true or what actually is true.

Examples of Indicative Mood

  1.  Statement: The sun rises in the east.
  2.  Question: Are you coming to the party tonight?
  3. Fact: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

In each of these examples, the indicative mood is used to convey information or ask questions based on facts or reality.

Usage of Indicative Mood

  1.  Stating Facts: Use the indicative mood to express statements that are believed to be true.
    • Example: She works as a teacher.
  2.  Asking Questions: Employ the indicative mood to ask questions about facts or reality.
    • Example: Does he live in that house?
  3. Describing Habits or Regular Actions: When discussing routines or habitual actions, the indicative mood is used.
    • Example: She usually wakes up at 6 a.m.

Key Points to Remember

  • The indicative mood deals with statements of fact or reality.
  • It is used for making statements or asking questions about facts.
  • Verbs in the indicative mood are conjugated according to the subject and tense of the sentence.

Practice Exercise

Identify whether the following sentences are in the indicative mood or not:

  1.  The moon is shining brightly tonight.
  2.  Could you please pass the salt?
  3.  He speaks three languages fluently.

Answer Key:

  1.  Indicative Mood
  2.  Not indicative (Imperative Mood)
  3. Indicative Mood

Exercises : 


Understanding the indicative mood is fundamental in mastering English grammar. It allows us to convey facts, ask questions, and describe reality accurately. By recognizing its usage and practicing with various examples, you can enhance your language skills and communicate effectively in English.

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