Welcome to our lesson on Modal Verbs! In this section, we’ll explore the fascinating world of modal verbs, which play a crucial role in shaping the meaning of a sentence. So, let’s dive right in!

What are Modal Verbs?

Modal verbs are a special type of verbs that express the attitude, ability, possibility, necessity, or obligation in a sentence. They help convey the speaker’s mood or intention.

Common Modal Verbs:

  1.  Can
  2. Could
  3.  May
  4.  Might
  5. Must
  6.  Shall
  7.  Should
  8.  Will
  9.  Would

Usage of Modal Verbs:

  1.  Can/Could: Used to express ability or possibility. For example:
    • She can speak three languages.
    • He could swim when he was five.
  2.  May/Might: Used to express permission or possibility. For example:
    • You may leave the classroom now.
    • It might rain later.
  3.  Must: Used to express necessity or strong obligation. For example:
    • You must finish your homework before watching TV.
    • She must attend the meeting tomorrow.
  4.  Shall/Should: Used to express suggestions, advice, or obligation. For example:
    • Shall we go for a walk?
    • You should eat more fruits and vegetables.
  5.  Will/Would: Used to express future actions or hypothetical situations. For example:
    • I will help you with your project.
    • If I were you, I would apologize.

Remember, modal verbs are always followed by the base form of the main verb (except for ‘ought to,’ which is followed by the infinitive without ‘to’).

Examples in Sentences:

  1.  She can sing beautifully.
  2.  You should visit India someday.
  3.  We must finish this assignment by tomorrow.
  4.  He might come to the party tonight.
  5.  I will call you later.

Practice Time: Now, let’s practice using modal verbs in sentences:

  1.  ______ you please pass me the salt?
  2.  She ______ speak Spanish fluently.
  3.  You ______ study harder to pass the exam.
  4.  They ______ go to the concert if they want to.
  5.  We ______ go for a picnic tomorrow if the weather is nice.

Exercises : 

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verbs from the list provided earlier.

Great job! You’ve completed our lesson on Modal Verbs. Keep practicing to master the usage of these important verbs in English! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Happy learning.

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