Welcome to our lesson on Personal Pronouns! In this section, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of personal pronouns, which play a crucial role in English grammar. Let’s get started!

What are Personal Pronouns?

Personal pronouns are words that replace nouns to avoid repetition and make our language more efficient. They help us communicate without constantly repeating the same nouns in sentences. Personal pronouns can refer to people, animals, things, or even ideas.

Types of Personal Pronouns:

  1. Subject Pronouns: Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. They perform the action of the verb. Here are some examples:
    • I
    • You
    • He
    • She
    • It
    • We
    • They
  2. Object Pronouns: Object pronouns are used as the object of a verb or preposition. They receive the action of the verb. Here are some examples:
    • Me
    • You
    • Him
    • Her
    • It
    • Us
    • Them
  3. Possessive Pronouns: Possessive pronouns show ownership or possession. They indicate that something belongs to someone. Here are some examples:
    • My
    • Your
    • His
    • Her
    • Its
    • Our
    • Their
  4. Reflexive Pronouns: Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same. They reflect back to the subject. Here are some examples:
    • Myself
    • Yourself
    • Himself
    • Herself
    • Itself
    • Ourselves
    • Themselves


  • She is going to the market. (Subject Pronoun)
  • Give it to me. (Object Pronoun)
  • This book is mine. (Possessive Pronoun)
  • He hurt himself. (Reflexive Pronoun)

Usage Tips:

  • Always match the pronoun to its antecedent (the word it replaces) in gender and number.
  • Use subject pronouns at the beginning of sentences or clauses.
  • Use object pronouns after verbs or prepositions.
  • Use possessive pronouns to indicate ownership.
  • Use reflexive pronouns when the subject and object are the same.

Practice: Now, let’s practice using personal pronouns in sentences:

  1. (A) ___ am learning English.
  2. (B) Can you give ___ the book?
  3. (C) This is ___ pen.
  4. (D) She bought ___ a new dress.
  5. (E) We cooked dinner for ___.

Exercises : 

Conclusion: Understanding personal pronouns is essential for effective communication in English. By mastering them, you can express yourself clearly and concisely. Keep practicing, and soon using personal pronouns will become second nature to you.

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